A digital imaging based multi-functional flame monitoring system

A This paper presents a mulli-functional instrumenkztion system for the monitoring and characterisatwn of combustion flnmes. The system includes an optical probe which transmits &me light in a furnace into a dedicated optical assembly where the light is split inlo four beams in specific spectral mnges. Two high performance monochromatic CCD cameras capture theflnme lights and transmit the image signals to a microcomputer where the signals are converted into digirnI images. Dedicated computing software has been developed to process fhe images and derive a range afflnme paramefers on an on-line continuous basis. Advanced digitaI image processing algorithms, two-colour pyrometry, and power spectral analysis are incorponzIed info the system software. ExperimenkzI resuh obkzined using a lMW,h coal-fired combustion test facitie demonstrate that the system is operational in an industrial combustion environment and capable of providing insfankzneous measurement af a range ofjlame characteristics.