[Erythrohepatic protoporphyria with rapidly progressing liver cirrhosis].

A 49-year-old man, known to have had an increased light sensitivity since childhood, was admitted to hospital because of jaundice. Biochemical and morphological examination revealed cirrhosis of the liver with cholestasis. There was a 70-fold increase of protoporphyrin content in the erythrocytes, increased fecal protoporphyrin excretion as well as secondary coproporphyrinuria. Despite symptomatic treatment with ursodeoxycholic acid and cholestyramine hepatic failure ensued for which orthotopic liver transplantation was performed five months after the diagnosis had been made. The patient died two months later of treatment-resistant septicaemia and multiorgan failure. This case demonstrates the need for annual monitoring of liver functions and porphyrin parameters to ensure earliest possible diagnosis of hepatic involvement in erythrohepatic protoporphyria.