해외 도시수출의 현황과 과제

Why does it have to be the city export? Now, it has been a long time since we first entered the information age, and through this urban-broadening phenomenon, the competitiveness of cities are making a significant contribution to the growth of the national power. In addition, the authorities of any local governments are constantly strengthening, and consequently, the cities are enjoying their own autonomy only independently. That being so, the significance of capital concentration and development is being emphasized even more greatly than before. In this article, a total of five topics in connection with the city export were presented. First of all, we should be no longer obsessed with some simple subcontract-type ordering but diversify order types from the urban planning and design to the development of infrastructures, IT and systems and cultures. The work to improve the planning, the design, the performance, CM and others from various angles will help us when we try to expand the markets. Second, this organization which would specialize only in establishing DBs to cope with all these different risks which might be caused by the city export, creating city export strategies that would work differently depending on types (nations) and conducting the systematic risk management on this city export business should be founded. Third, the forecast of the current markets leads us to the necessity of our coming up with new strategies by taking advantage of the technique export, and that will help the market expansion. Fourth, basically, as a large-scale project, the city exports requires various financing methods, and that is why we should think of how to secure ODA funds and how to organize a consortium in cooperation with a local developer or agency. Last but not least, how to support the construction and engineering field should be figured out so that we can help them play a leading role in the planning-design phase when trying to establish any localization strategies.