Registration of Pearl Millet Parental Lines ICMA 92666 and ICMB 92666 with Multiple Disease Resistance

ICMB 92666 (Reg. no. PL-31, PI 596509) pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R* Br.] is the maintainer line of a male-sterile line ICMA 92666 (Reg. no. PL-32, PI 596510). ICMA 92666 and ICMB 92666 were released in 1996 by ICRISAT Asia Center, Patancheru, AP, India, for use as seed parents in hybrid breeding programs. These lines are resistant to ergot (caused by Claviceps justformis Loveless), smut [caused by Moesziomyees penicillariae (Bref.) K. Vanky; syn. Totyposporium penicillariae Bref], and downy mildew [caused by Sclerospora gramimcola (Sacc.) J. Schrot.].