Quality Characteristics of Midwestern Soybeans
SOYBEANS, from the 1983 and 1984 crops, were analyzed for official grade-factors, protein/oil composition, and breakage susceptibility. Samples were collected from 13 locations across four states. U.S. Grades did not differ greatly between years or sample origins, but nutrients and breakage susceptibility did. The average protein and oil percentages, basis 13.0% moisture, were 33.9, 19.7 and 34.2, 19.1 for 1983 and 1984 respectively. Several equations were developed to interrelate quality factors. For a one-percentage-point increase in protein content, there was an average decline of 0.43 percentage points of oil. This relationship varied by origin, with some origins showing less loss in oil for increase in protein. Breakage susceptibility, by the Wisconsin breakage tester, increased 22% for a one-percentage-point fall in moisture content.