Integrated Semantic Model for Complex Disease Network

To understand biological phenomena, biologists have identified the interactions between biological molecules in vivo. Until recently, all of the unique and interactive information of such molecules has been built into a database and made available online. Among them, there was an effort to understand the relationship of molecules based on biological pathways, and a standard model called BioPAX was made to enable interchange and operation of data. In particular, Pathway Commons integrates other biological data besides biological pathways using BioPAX. We are interested in identifying the molecular mechanisms of disease and recommending drugs for treatment. In addition to data provided by Pathway Commons, additional disease and drug data was added to be used in various analysis. We extended the model to express the data that BioPAX could not cover and converted all the data to RDF based on the model. We integrate and present diverse biological data using semantic technologies from the perspective of representing disease networks. We hope that this information will aid in a deeper understanding of disease and drug recommendations.