Dispersion interferometry of spectral resonances

for large J' and n, which meet the condition opposite to Eq. (1). As this takes place, the core rotational levels divide on Rydberg sublevels with different n and total molecular momentum J. Described picture becomes more complicated for the polar molecules. The problem is that the Coulomb spectrum could not be considered as a zero-order approximation for ro-Ry states. The exact solution for the problem of the motion of an electron in the field of a point charge combined with a point dipole has been obtained in the work.' In this work it is shown that in dipole molecules n ceased to be integer. In consequence, radial integrals that determine ro-Ry mixing demonstrate quasiclassical asymptotic behavior: -C', whereas for the Coulomb case these integral -C4. As a result, the numerical values for the ro-Ry energies differ considerably for dipole and dipoleless molecules. In the intermediate case, when BJ+ (r' + 1) Ry/n', it is necessary to use numerical methods, similar to that developed for atoms in the work.