The design and development of modern systems is complicated by their size and complexity. Furthermore, many complex systems are built using subsystems and components available from third party manufacturers. The diversity of the available components has made exploration of design alternatives a large task. Simulation plays an important role in the design and verification and validation (V&V) of these systems. Although numerous models for simulation have been developed, their availability, accessibility, inter-operability, and system validation coupled with proprietary information issues, have been cited as primary bottlenecks in their use. To address the issues involved in the modeling and V&V of systems, WESE: A Web-based Environment for Systems Engineering, has been developed. Using WESE, a developer can explore design alternatives by constructing and analyzing system configurations consisting of components offered by different researchers and manufacturers. WESE also provides a flexible technique to construct formal specifications of the proposed system for V&V purposes. This paper presents issues involved and the on going work in the development of WESE.