Analysis of Radiation Exposure for Naval Personnel at Operation GREENHOUSE.

Abstract : The radiological environments are reconstructed for seven ships and the residence islands of Enewetak Atoll that received fallout during operation GREENHOUSE (April-May 1951) as a result of Shots DOG, EASY, and ITEM. From the reconstructed operations and radiological environments, equivalent personnel film badge doses are calculated and compared with actual film badge data available for six of the ships. Considering the increased time spent topside by badged personnel as opposed to an average crewmember, correlation between calculations and dosimetry is good. Average shipboard doses range from a low of 0.13 rem for the crew of the USNS LT. ROBERT CRAIG to a high of 1.14 rem for the crew of the USNS SGT. CHARLES E. MOWER. Average doses on the residence islands of Enewetak Atoll range.