Basic design of the in-vessel remote maintenance system for a fusion ignition experiment

Summary form only given. The kinematic and dynamic analysis underlying the design concept of the in-vessel remote maintenance system (IVRMS) for IGNITEX is discussed. A database for control and operation of the IVRMS can be generated from this analysis. The motion requirements for the IVRMS to accomplish the specified maintenance tasks were evaluated. The link dimension is determined based on the IGNITEX system geometry and the planned motion path. An 11-degree-of-freedom manipulator, consisting of a toroidal chain (six links) and a poloidal chain (three links), is used to provide 90° toroidal reach in the vacuum vessel. The trajectory planning for the IVRMS is done offline. The path of the manipulator for defined tasks is generated by using a simple kinematics algorithm. This trajectory permits the collision-free movement of the manipulator. Inverse position and velocity analysis was performed. In addition, a graphical simulation that shows the IVRMS's operation inside the IGNITEX vacuum vessel was performed