Multiterawatt Ti:Sapphire/KrF laser GARPUN-MTW as a test bench facility for verification of combined amplification of nanosecond and subpicosecond pulses

The possibility of the same large-aperture KrF laser driver to amplify simultaneously both nanosecond pulses for thermonuclear target implosion and picosecond ones for fuel ignition is discussed relative to KrF-based Fusion Test Facility. In this way experiments were performed at hybrid Ti:Sapphire/KrF GARPUN-MTW facility on amplification of subpicosecond pulses. 2-TW, 330-fs pulses were produced with beam divergence 20 μrad in direct double-pass amplification scheme. Peak power as high as 30–40 TW can be achieved in 50-fs pulses, being combined with long pulses (of a few ns to 100 ns) of ~1 GW power.