Quantitative computed tomography assessment of lung structure and function in pulmonary emphysema.

Accurate diagnosis and quantification of pulmonary emphysema during life is important to understand the natural history of the disease, to assess the extent of the disease, and to evaluate and follow-up therapeutic interventions. Since pulmonary emphysema is defined through pathological criteria, new methods of diagnosis and quantification should be validated by comparisons against histological references. Recent studies have addressed the capability of computed tomography (CT) to quantify pulmonary emphysema accurately. The studies reviewed in this article have been based on CT scans obtained after deep inspiration or expiration, on subjective visual grading and on objective measurements of attenuation values. Especially dedicated software was used for this purpose, which provided numerical data, on both two- and three-dimensional approaches, and compared CT data with pulmonary function tests. More recently, fractal and textural analyses were applied to computed tomography scans to assess the presence, the extent, and the types of emphysema. Quantitative computed tomography has already been used in patient selection for surgical treatment of pulmonary emphysema and in pharmacotherapeutical trials. However, despite numerous and extensive studies, this technique has not yet been standardized and important questions about how best to use computed tomography for the quantification of pulmonary emphysema are still unsolved.

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