THE SILVER ANNIVERSARY EXPOSITION COMING UP: Forty Years of Progress in Design of Equipment and Instrumentation

THE FIRST EXPOSITION OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES I ever attended was in 1917; this year the 25th will be held, its silver anniversary. "Father Time" appears to march on at an ever-accelerating pace as one advances in years. The growth of the chemical process industries in the 38 years that have passed between the 1917 show and the one about to take place in Philadelphia has been phenomenal. I was a freshman at Brooklyn "Poly" in 1917 studying chemical engineering. While I was not blessed with much in the way of material goods, I was fortunate in finding employment at night as a telephone operator. Frequently my "beat" was the telephone pay-station booth in the foyer of the Grand Central Palace. Thus, my connection with the 1917 chemical exposition was not primarily as a chemist or chemical engineer, but as a telephone operator. I still recall the tremendous thrill of seeing the ...