Sensitivity and Correlation Analysis and Implications in Scalable Product Family Design for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) bear great promises for increasing fuel economy and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions by the use of advanced battery technologies and green energy resources. The design of a PHEV highly depends on several factors such as the selected powertrain configuration, control strategy, sizes of drivetrain components, expected range for propulsion purely by electric energy, known as AER, and the assumed driving conditions. Accordingly, design of PHEV powertrains for diverse customer segments requires thorough consideration of the market needs and the specific performance expectations of each segment. From the manufacturing perspective, these parameters provide the opportunity of mass customization because of the high degree of freedom, especially when the component sizes and control parameters are simultaneously assessed. Based on a nonconventional sensitivity and correlation analysis performed on a simulation model for power-split PHEVs in this study, the product family design (PFD) concept and its implications will be investigated, and limitations of PFD for such a complex product along with directions for efficient family design of PHEVs will be discussed.Copyright © 2015 by ASME