Protection of commercial confidences is both required as part of the intellectual property provisions of current trade agreements and routinely prerequisite for achieving patent protection. This paper discusses the protection of such commercial confidences and the relationship of this protection with the statutory regime in Canada of personal data protection, but does so within the specific context of an examination of these matters in light of the governance of the processes of research conducted in universities. The nexus of university research and commercial research occurs frequently - for example, in the area of the development and testing of drugs in Canada. The paper demonstrates that there are problems in bringing together and integrating the law of protection of confidential information and personal data protection with university practices in Canada. We analysed the research policies of research-intensive public universities across Canada; the Tri-council policy statement, which governs their research practices; and the legal requirements applicable to the universities in Canada’s provinces. The paper demonstrates that there is a disjunction between the law, university policies, and Tri-Council policy.Une protection des secrets commerciaux est requise tant au chapitre des dispositions sur la propriete intellectuelle dans les ententes commerciales que comme prealable courant a l’obtention d’une protection par brevet. Cet article traite de la protection des secrets commerciaux et de son rapport avec les mesures legislatives du Canada enmatiere de protection des donnees personnelles. Il examine toutefois cette question dans le contexte particulier de la conduite des activites de recherche menees dans les universites. Il existe souvent une jonction entre la recherche universitaire et la recherche commerciale, par exemple, dans le domaine du developpement et de l’essai des medicaments au Canada. L’article demontre que des problemes surgissent lorsqu’il faut rapprocher les lois sur la confidentialite des renseignements et la protection des donnees personnelles et les integrer aux pratiques qui ont cours dans les universites au Canada. Nous avons analyse les politiques de recherche des universites publiques canadiennes axees sur la recherche, la politique des trois Conseils qui regit leurs pratiques en matiere de recherche et les exigences juridiques applicables aux universites dans les provinces canadiennes. L’article montre qu’il y a desaccord entre la legislation, les politiques universitaires et la politique des trois Conseils.
H. Elsheshtawy,et al.
Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
D. Willison.
Privacy and the secondary use of data for health research: experience in Canada and suggested directions forward
Journal of health services research & policy.
C. Carmody.
Introduction: Is Our House in Order? Canada's Implementation of International Law
Wilhelm Peekhaus,et al.
Personal medical information: Privacy or personal data protection? A theoretical approach to understanding the Canadian environment
Margaret Ann Wilkinson,et al.
Privacy and Personal Data Protection: Albatross for Access?
M. Hirtle.
The governance of research involving human participants in Canada.
Health law journal.
Patricia Kosseim.
The landscape of rules governing access to personal information for health research: a view from afar.
Health law journal.
Thomas Plant.
Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1989: Organizational Change in the Region of Hamilton-Wentworth