Extracting Action Sequences from Texts Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning

Extracting action sequences from natural language texts is challenging, as it requires commonsense inferences based on world knowledge. Although there has been work on extracting action scripts, instructions, navigation actions, etc., they require that either the set of candidate actions be provided in advance, or that action descriptions are restricted to a specific form, e.g., description templates. In this paper, we aim to extract action sequences from texts in free natural language, i.e., without any restricted templates, provided the candidate set of actions is unknown. We propose to extract action sequences from texts based on the deep reinforcement learning framework. Specifically, we view "selecting" or "eliminating" words from texts as "actions", and the texts associated with actions as "states". We then build Q-networks to learn the policy of extracting actions and extract plans from the labeled texts. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on several datasets with comparison to state-of-the-art approaches, including online experiments interacting with humans.

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