Spectra at the molybdenum L{sub 2} and L{sub 3} edges have been recorded by use of synchrotron radiation and analyzed in terms of ligand field theory. Four distinct p {yields} d transitions were observed in the derivative spectra of molybdenum oxychloride complexes. Comparison with optical data for the same compounds, as well as for Tc analogues, showed that L{sub 2,3}-edge spectra qualitatively reflect the unfilled Mo d-level splittings. A semiempirical correlation scheme, using Racah parameters to correct for exchange and Coulomb interactions, predicted optical splittings with an accuracy of better than 5%. This capability was used to reject certain interpretations of the MoO{sub 4}{sup 2{minus}}, MoOCl{sub 4}(H{sub 2}O){sup {minus}}, and MoOCl{sub 5}{sup {minus}} spectra. Single-crystal spectra for (N(Et){sub 4})(MoOCl{sub 4}(H{sub 2}O)) helped confirm the assignments. Chemical effects on Mo L-edge spectra were surveyed for LMoOXY compounds, where L represents hydrotris(3,5-dimethyl-1-pyrazolyl)borate and X and Y are various ligands. Spectral sensitivity to oxidation state, terminal oxo vs terminal sulfido ligands, and different halide ions are also compared.