이코노마이저 제어에 따른 사무소 건물의 냉방 에너지 성능 분석

The current building tends to pursue high airtightness for the reduction of the outside air supply to prevent an increase in the energy consumption of air conditioning, resulting in high dependency on mechanical ventilation. Therefore, study of the economizer cycle system that can cause fresh outside air introduction and energy saving has been actively conducted. In this study, we analyzed different economizer control methods, addressing mixed air temperature and outdoor air fraction according to the outdoor air temperature. Also, we analyzed the energy consumption of the two control types of the economizer cycle through detailed EnergyPlus simulation modeling. As a result, differential dry-bulb control method showed a lower energy consumption than no economizer method in intermediate period, but it showed more energy consumption during the summer period. When not removing the latent heat due to high humidity in summer, it was found that the resultant energy consumption is significant.