Informational and cosmological foundations of the cybernetic systems security phenomenon

This paper analyses the cosmological foundations of the security phenomenon as a form of self-conservation of the evolution of matter in its highest form—cybernetic systems (i.e., systems possessing control). It is noted that self-conservation of matter as a way of its existence depends on the forms of self-conservation and is principally different in baryon matter (the material part of the Universe) and “dark matter,” which is the basic, yet scarcely known, part of the Universe. We have discovered that despite the existence of information as diversity in inanimate nature, it is assumed that a number of its objects (singularities, black holes, “dark matter,” etc.) have no information, and that information exists only in the “material” part of the Universe, where the evolutionary process finds its origin. It is shown that not only the problem of evolution, but also that of cybernetic system security are most closely connected with information and control, the latter occurring only at the biosystem level. According to W.R. Ashby’s necessary diversity law (represented as a law of the general theory of security) the information content of a system must be no less than the diversity of the internal and external negative impacts. Security (self-conservation) is most effectively maintained through progressive or sustainable development realized in the course of self-organization on the super-path of a material system’s universal evolution.