A model-based method to support complex system design via systems interactions analysis

Designing a complex system is a multidisciplinary task that in- volves different profiles of engineers. In this collaborative process, each actor has specific skills, and nobody is able to consider the entire design project alone. From this observation two majors worlds have been identi- fied, the system world including systems engineers and the physical world including discipline experts. Under this discretization, the method proposes to manage collaboration, and interfaces, between engineers coming from systems design modelling and physical worlds. To perform this objective, the method described in this paper is based on an enrich- ment of information linked to systems, via an analysis of interactions and mutual impacts of each subsystem, and then the building of a bridge to deal with physical world experts. All the methodology is model-based, and introduces a new concept called "model of intention" in order to ini- tiate dialog between both worlds. This paper proposes a first approach to create models of intention for a hybrid (Electric/Thermal) propelled un- manned aerial vehicle (HPUAV) project.