Mark Chen | Ilya Sutskever | Alec Radford | Prafulla Dhariwal | Aditya Ramesh | Dario Amodei | Christopher Hesse | Arvind Neelakantan | Tom Henighan | Jared Kaplan | Tom B. Brown | Scott Gray | Nick Ryder | Daniel M. Ziegler | Sam McCandlish | Rewon Child | Girish Sastry | Ariel Herbert-Voss | Jeffrey Wu | Christopher Berner | Pranav Shyam | Gretchen Krueger | Jack Clark | Amanda Askell | Mateusz Litwin | Benjamin Mann | Melanie Subbiah | Sandhini Agarwal | Clemens Winter | Eric Sigler | Benjamin Chess | Daniel M. Ziegler | Jeff Wu | Alec Radford | Dario Amodei | Prafulla Dhariwal | Ilya Sutskever | Christopher Hesse | T. Henighan | J. Kaplan | Mark Chen | Scott Gray | Benjamin Mann | A. Ramesh | Nick Ryder | Sam McCandlish | Rewon Child | Arvind Neelakantan | Benjamin Chess | Melanie Subbiah | Pranav Shyam | Girish Sastry | Amanda Askell | Sandhini Agarwal | Ariel Herbert-Voss | Gretchen Krueger | Clemens Winter | Eric Sigler | Mateusz Litwin | Jack Clark | Christopher Berner | S. Gray | I. Sutskever | B. Chess | R. Child
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