HEAO 1 high-energy X-ray observations of three bright transient X-ray sources H1705-250 (Nova Ophiuchi), H1743-322, and H1833-077 (Scutum X-1)

The bright X-ray transients H1705-250 (Nova Ophiuchi) and H1743-322 in the energy range 12-180 keV were observed, and the presence of high-energy spectral components was revealed. On the basis of X-ray spectra in the 1-10 keV range, transients are classified as 'soft' (kT = 4 keV) or 'hard' (kT = 17 keV); and both H1705-250 and H1743-322 should be in the 'soft' category. Data have been reexamined for the archetypal 'soft' transient A0600-00 taken by the SAS 3 satellite, but no evidence is found there for a high-energy spectral component. Thus consideration of a wider X-ray energy range makes the 'hard'/'soft' distinction between X-ray transients much less clear.