Rewriting techniques and applications : 14th International Conference, RTA 2003, Valencia, Spain, June 9-11, 2003 : proceedings

Invited Talk.- Symbolic Systems Biology.- Confluence as a Cut Elimination Property.- Associative-Commutative Rewriting on Large Terms.- A Rule-Based Approach for Automated Generation of Kinetic Chemical Mechanisms.- Efficient Reductions with Director Strings.- Rewriting Logic and Probabilities.- The Maude 2.0 System.- Diagrams for Meaning Preservation.- Expression Reduction Systems with Patterns.- Residuals in Higher-Order Rewriting.- Rewriting UNITY.- New Decidability Results for Fragments of First-Order Logic and Application to Cryptographic Protocols.- An E-unification Algorithm for Analyzing Protocols That Use Modular Exponentiation.- Two-Way Equational Tree Automata for AC-Like Theories: Decidability and Closure Properties.- Rule-Based Analysis of Dimensional Safety.- Invited Talk.- Topological Collections, Transformations and Their Application to the Modeling and the Simulation of Dynamical Systems.- On the Complexity of Higher-Order Matching in the Linear ?-Calculus.- XML Schema, Tree Logic and Sheaves Automata.- Size-Change Termination for Term Rewriting.- Monotonic AC-Compatible Semantic Path Orderings.- Relating Derivation Lengths with the Slow-Growing Hierarchy Directly.- Tsukuba Termination Tool.- Liveness in Rewriting.- Validation of the JavaCard Platform with Implicit Induction Techniques.- "Term Partition" for Mathematical Induction.- Equational Prover of Theorema.- Termination of Simply Typed Term Rewriting by Translation and Labelling.- Rewriting Modulo in Deduction Modulo.- Termination of String Rewriting Rules That Have One Pair of Overlaps.- Environments for Term Rewriting Engines for Free!.- Joint RTA-TLCA Invited Talk.- A Logical Algorithm for ML Type Inference.- A Rewriting Alternative to Reidemeister-Schreier.- Stable Computational Semantics of Conflict-Free Rewrite Systems (Partial Orders with Duplication).- Recognizing Boolean Closed A-Tree Languages with Membership Conditional Rewriting Mechanism.- Testing Extended Regular Language Membership Incrementally by Rewriting.