목업 테스트를 통한 창호 종류별 창호 결로방지 성능 평가방법

In this study, we validated and analyzed the performance evaluation methods of the condensation prevention on the window through mock-up tests. NFRC 500-2010 compares the condensation prevention performance of various windows by using condensation resistance value at specific indoor temperature(21℃) and humidity(30%/50%/70%). AAMA 1503-09 is advantageous to the evaluation of condensation prevention performance for the overall window, while KS F 2295 is advantageous to the evaluation considering the local parts of the window. The results show that high-performance glazing type is Low-e (Argon filled), followed by Low-e (Air filled) and conventional double glazing. Based on the results of this study, we will establish the evaluation method which is appropriate to the domestic circumstances and users" performance requirements.