Phenomenology and the Social Sciences . 2 vols. Edited by Maurice Natanson. Evanston: Northwestern University Press. 1973. Pp. xvi, 464; x, 602. $25.00.
which are readily available to the scholar. In the publication under review, we are deprived of this. Secondly, Kivy disregards the singular evolution of Reid's thought, following the publication of his Inquiry in 1764, in such pointedly relevant areas as the "culture" and "science" of the mind. There is a more definite line of continuity running through the various sets of lectures than Kivy would have us believe. Lastly, Kivy's claim to have brought to light an "unpublished manuscript of Thomas Reid" is at best problematic and at worse more suspect than he apparently realizes. Even a cursory hand-writing comparison ought to have led him to ponder the authenticity of the text.