HDVIP FPA technology at DRS

The HgCdTe high-density vertically integrated photodiode (HDVIP) concept developed at DRS Infrared Technologies is described. This technology is currently in production in both large-area scanning and staring focal plane array (FPA) formats. Detector models are presented and compared to performance data from scanning and staring FPAs. Performance data from 256x256 and 640x480 LWIR and MWIR staring FPAs, in keeping with these models, is presented with responsivity and D* operabilities in excess of 99.9%. Third generation system requirements mandate megapixel FPA operation at high temperatures, with multi-color capability, and high frame rates. To this end operation of 640x480 MWIR HgCdTe FPAs has been demonstrated at temperatures in excess of 150K, and the push to these higher operating temperatures, with its effect on system cost, is discussed. The technology has also been extended into the realm of simultaneous two-color detection with large area formats, and this effort is described.