노후 아파트단지 재생에 적용가능한 계획요소에 관한 연구

This study aims to find out regeneration strategies of the old apartment estates in terms of energy saving ecological planning concepts. The progress of this research as following. First, As far as the main aspect of energy saving ecological planning are concernd, we can identify four main planning aspects; eco-housing planning, green buildingp Vauban, Rieselfeld, Kronsberg Riem, Hammarby and established the latest domestic case focused on energy-saving planning aspect: Hakha, Daedong. Second, The result of adaptable element of energy saving ecological planning in the housing estate were transport to the selection aspect(which can be recommend for the urban regeneration of old housing estate). To identify these we question to expert group ; for work at the University or in related design studio or research institute. Two steps of questionnaire were made to find out the detailed planning element of Housing Estate(low-energy) old apartment regeneration. Third, suggested systematic methodology of energy saving ecological planning through integrated research institute analysis. In conclusion, the applicable twenty one elements are judged for the old apartment estates. The twelve elements of them are able to apply in domestic current conditions as aggressive applications. and others are able to apply as optional applications.