Transcription Factor Sp1 Is Essential for Early Embryonic Development but Dispensable for Cell Growth and Differentiation

Transcription factor Sp1 has been implicated in the expression of many genes. Moreover, it has been suggested that Sp1 is linked to the maintenance of methylation-free CpG islands, the cell cycle, and the formation of active chromatin structures. We have inactivated the mouse Sp1 gene. Sp1-/- embryos are retarded in development, show a broad range of abnormalities, and die around day 11 of gestation. In Sp1-/- embryos, the expression of many putative target genes, including cell cycle-regulated genes, is not affected, CpG islands remain methylation free, and active chromatin is formed at the globin loci. However, the expression of the methyl-CpG-binding protein MeCP2 is greatly reduced in Sp1-/- embryos. MeCP2 is thought to be required for the maintenance of differentiated cells. We suggest that Sp1 is an important regulator of this process.

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