Handbook of antisocial behavior

Partial table of contents: CLINICAL ISSUES Public Health Perspective on Interpersonal Violence Among Youths in the United States (L. Potter & J. Mercy) Psychopathy: Assessment and Association with Criminal Conduct (S. Hart & R. Hare) Assessment of Antisocial Behavior in Adults (S. Lilienfeld, et al.) Major Mental Disorders and Violence to Others (J. Monahan) DEVELOPMENT OF ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR Child Abuse, Neglect, and Witnessing Violence (C. Widom) Peers, Drug Use, and Delinquency (T. Thornberry & M. Krohn) BIOLOGY OF ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR Medical Histories of Antisocial Individuals (P. Brennan & S. Mednick) On the Psychobiology of Antisocial Behavior (M. Linnoila) PREVENTION, TREATMENT, AND MANAGEMENT Bridging Development, Prevention, and Policy (D. Offord) The Treatment of Adult Offenders (M. Rice & G. Harris) SPECIAL ISSUES AND SPECIAL POPULATIONS Alcohol, Illicit Drugs, and Violence (H. White) Firearms and Youth Violence (J. Fagan & D. Wilkinson) Indexes.