Imputing single-cell RNA-seq data by combining graph convolution and autoencoder neural networks

Single-cell RNA sequencing technology promotes the profiling of single-cell transcriptomes at an unprecedented throughput and resolution. However, in scRNA-seq studies, only a low amount of sequenced mRNA in each cell leads to missing detection for a portion of mRNA molecules, i.e. the dropout problem. The dropout event hinders various downstream analysis, such as clustering analysis, differential expression analysis, and inference of gene-to-gene relationships. Therefore, it is necessary to develop robust and effective imputation methods for the increasing scRNA-seq data. In this study, we have developed an imputation method (GraphSCI) to impute the dropout events in scRNA-seq data based on the graph convolution networks. The method takes advantage of low-dimensional representations of similar cells and gene-gene interactions to impute the dropouts. Extensive experiments demonstrated that GraphSCI outperforms other state-of-the-art methods for imputation on both simulated and real scRNA-seq data. Meanwhile, GraphSCI is able to accurately infer gene-to-gene relationships by utilizing the imputed matrix that are concealed by dropout events in raw data.

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