CCITT Study Group XV (Working Party XV/1) is charged with transmission systems. Under WP XV/1 a Specialists Group was established dealing with drafting recommendatioms for the secomd generation sub-primary rate ( n x 384 kbit/s, ii = 1, . . . , 5) or (p x 64 lcbit/s, p = 1, . . . , 30) video codecs. The Specialists Group on Coding for Visual Telephony reaches their objectives by ezchanging the results with the different partners involved (Europe, Japan, USA, Korea and Canada). During the study period 1984-1989 the Specialists Group agreed upon the usage of a so called reference model (hereafter abbreviated RM) for simulation purposes. The specification for a fiezible hardware is derived from these simulations. In this paper a description of the reference model and the evolution towards the last reference model (RM8) is given which is the basis for the H.261. The intentions of this contribution is to show the ft ezibility of the algorithm for different applications. The term universal approach makes therefor reference to the usage of the algorithm for a range of possible applications. In an joint expert group of ISO/IEC, the Moving Picture Coding Expert Group (MPEG) ISO/IEC JCT/5C2/WG8, work is carried out to select a standard for coded represenation of moving images and sound for the provision of interactive moving picture applications. In this expert group, members of the specialists group on coding for visual telephony are participating trying to realize interworking between the standard in preparation by the joint expert group MPEG and the coming CCITT recommendation H.261. For the most important used techniques in the CCITT Reference Model, among which are quantization, scanning, loop filter, entropy coding, multiple versus single VL C and block type discrimination theoretical information is provided and some examples for possible improvements are included. A significant development is reported i.e a modification of the reported n x 384 kbit/s algorithm paving the way to a universal standard codec capable of operating at p x 64 kbit/s ( p = 1,...,30).