Abstract : Results of the 1987-1988 anthropometric survey of Army personnel are presented in this reported in the form of summary statistics and percentile data. These anthropometric data are presented for a subset of personnel (1774 men and 2208 women) sampled to match the proportions of age categories and racial/ethnic groups found in the active duty Army of June, 1988. Dimensions included in this report include 132 standard measurements made in the course of the survey, 60 derived dimensions calculated largely by adding and subtracting standard measurement data, and 48 head and face dimensions reported in traditional linear terms but collected by means of an automated headboard designed to obtain three-dimensional data. Measurement descriptions, visual indices, and a glossary of terms are included to help identify and locate dimensions. Keywords: Anthropometry, Anthropometric survey, Anthropometric data, Human body size, Measurements, Dimensions, Men, Women, Army(Personnel).