Physical Properties of Solid and Liquid Manures and their Effects on the Performance of Spreading Machines

Abstract During 1990-1993, experiments were carried out to investigate how the physicald properties of solid and liquid manures (i.e. farmyard manures and slurries) affect the performance of spreading machines, e.g. the feeding-out process and the lateral manure distribution. The results show that different spreader types are influenced in different ways when the manure properties change. Dry matter content alone is not enough to completely describe the relevant physical properties of the manure. Together with bulk density (solid manure) or fluidity (liquid manure) it can, however, be used to classify solid and liquid manures used for spreader testing. The results and conclusions from the project constitute a basis for the work on a European standard for testing methods and requirements for manure and slurry spreaders. The standard proposals are, at present, being dealt with in CEN, Technical Committee 144, Working Group 3, Ad Hoc Group 3.