CIDOR: Content distribution and retrieval in disaster networks for public protection

Information-Centric Networking (ICN) introduces a paradigm shift from a host centric communication model for Future Internet architectures. It supports the retrieval of a particular content regardless of the physical location of the content. Emergency network in a disaster scenario or disruptive network presents a significant challenge to the ICN deployment. In this paper, we present a Content dIstribution and retrieval framework in disaster netwOrks for public pRotection (CIDOR) which exploits the design principle of the native CCN architecture in the native Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN) architecture. We prove the feasibility and investigate the performance of our proposed solution using extensive simulation with different classes of the DTN routing strategies in different mobility scenarios. The simulation result shows that CIDOR can reduce the content retrieval time up to 50% while the response ratio is close to 100%.

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