Temperature dependence of AC floating body effects in PD SOI nMOS

AC floating body effects have significantly impacted SOI analog circuit performance, such as degraded linearity due to the kink on output conductance (G/sub DS/) (Tseng et al., 1998) and higher phase noise due to low-frequency (LF) noise overshoot (Tseng et al., 1998). This is especially true for partially-depleted (PD) SOI MOSFETs. Recent high density integration of CMOS on a single chip increases the power dissipation density, resulting in an increased operating temperature. Only a few papers address the influence of high temperature operation for SOI analog applications (Dessard et al., 1998; Eggermont et al., 1996). In this study, AC floating body effects are explored in a wide temperature range (from 218 K to 423 K).