Solar energy: Lessons from the Pacific island experience. World Bank technical paper

The report on the experiences of several Pacific island countries provides a clear indication that in small, remote villages, off-the-shelf solar photovoltaic (PV) technologies are providing reliable power at costs less than those of the more commonly used diesel systems for households running a few electric lights and a TV/VCR. The report also confirms another point made repeatedly in the authors' recent energy sector work: appropriate technical choices need to be complemented by effective institutional approaches. The Pacific island experience demonstrated that the success of solar PV programs depended not merely on the choice of technology but on adequate training of maintenance personnel, good fee collection systems, and careful financial management. The report indicates that for solar PV systems installed in areas where managerial and technical expertise is scarce, ownership and maintenance of the systems by local, cooperatively owned utilities appears to be the soundest option. (Copyright (c) 1994 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.)