Intravenous digital subtraction angiography in the preoperative evaluation of renal masses.

Intravenous digital subtraction angiography (DSA) was performed in 23 patients with renal masses to document tumor extension into the main renal vein or inferior vena cava. The DSA findings were compared with computed tomographic as well as surgical and pathologic findings. Additional data regarding the number of renal arteries present and the relative vascularity of the tumor were also gathered. DSA documented 17 true-negative renal veins, three true-positive renal veins, and one false-negative renal vein. Two patients could not hold their breath long enough to evaluate the renal vein. In 17 of 19 cases, single renal arteries to the affected kidney were correctly identified. In three patients, two renal arteries to the involved kidney were correctly identified. The renal masses were avascular in two patients, hypovascular in five, moderately vascular in eight, and hypervascular in seven. In one case the mass was out of the field of view, and vascularity was not evaluated. In these patients, DSA was an accurate and relatively noninvasive method to assist in the preoperative evaluation of renal masses.