Evaluation of the Scottish Center for Healthy Working Lives support to employers and Healthy Working Lives Award programme: Monitoring Briefing Paper
The purpose of the evaluation is to test the contribution to employers made by
the Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives (SCHWL) through two key areas of
its activity. The first is its services to support employers, which includes the
The purpose of the evaluation is to test the contribution to employers made by
the Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives (SCHWL) through two key areas of
its activity. The first is its services to support employers, which includes the
package of measures available through the Healthy Working Lives (HWL)
website, HWL Adviceline, one-to-one workplace visits and customised support,
workshops and training sessions and the second the HWL Award Programme.
More specifically it seeks to assess SCHWL’s impact on employer policies,
practices and behaviours and employer performance.