Monitoring and continuing education system of ICDS Programme in Hooghly District, West Bengal.

The functioning of "Monitoring and Continuing Education System" of ICDS Programme in Hooghly District was studied through record analysis and individual interviews of Anganwadi Workers (AWW). No Sector Adviser was entrusted the task of monitoring and continuing education activities in 15 out of 17 sectors, supervisors and Health Workers were present in 88.0% and 29.4% sector meetings respectively. The sector meetings were not usually held on fixed dates. Visits of Anganwadi centres (AWC) by Health Workers, Supervisors and Child Development Project Officers (CDPO) were very infrequent and no joint visit was made. Only 11.8% Anganwadi Workers were exposed to continuing education sessions. There was gross under reporting of pregnant mothers and live births. Need of all-round improvement of functioning of 'Monitoring and Continuing Education System' of ICDS Programme is well felt.