In the first stage of this work (part I), an infinite horizon model predictive controller (IHMPC) using the closed-loop paradigm, was adapted to be applied to batch processes. Batch processes fall into the category of finite-duration systems, where the control objective is to track a given output profile (reference trajectory) during a finite time period, and so the use of an infinite horizon controller is not intuitive a priori. However, based on previous IHMPC results, this work shows that prediction along a fictitious horizon beyond the actual final batch time allows good performance and, more important, the stability (in the sense of the finite-duration systems) can be guaranteed. Simulation results show the closed-loop performance of the proposed strategy when a linear system is controlled. In addition, the proposed methodology allows a direct extension to a new MPC with learning properties - i.e. a MPC strategy that "learns" from previous batches - which accounts for the second important property required to batch processes: the repetitiveness. The way the proposed strategy is extended to the MPC with learning properties is presented in a second part of this work (Gonzalez et al., 2009).
E. Mosca.
Jay H. Lee,et al.
Model predictive control technique combined with iterative learning for batch processes
James B. Rawlings,et al.
Discrete-time stability with perturbations: application to model predictive control
Jay H. Lee,et al.
Model predictive control for nonlinear batch processes with asymptotically perfect tracking
Jay H. Lee,et al.
Model-based iterative learning control with a quadratic criterion for time-varying linear systems
Alejandro H. González,et al.
Conditions for offset elimination in state space receding horizon controllers: A tutorial analysis
J. R. Cueli,et al.
Iterative nonlinear model predictive control. Stability, robustness and applications
Darci Odloak,et al.
Stable IHMPC for Unstable Systems
Dominique Bonvin,et al.
Controllability and stability of repetitive batch processes