Simulation of mutual wheel/rail wear

Wheel/rail wear simulation based on mathematical models is one of the instruments of study and prognosis of wheel/rail life. Theoretical study of two mutually wearing bodies has shown that their steady-state worn profile depend on their initial profiles. This conclusion enables to suggest the possibility of control over wheel/rail stable-state worn profile, which should be optimal on the selected criteria. Equations derived in this study make it possible to find the optimal wheel flange/rail head profile which provides for minimal total wear rate of wheel traveling along the selected track section, once the lateral forces, and the angle of attack and the wear model are known. To obtain the wear model, i.e. the dependence of the wear rate from the contact parameters, laboratory simulation of wear between wheel flange and side face of the rail head is used. Laboratory experiments were carried out on the rolling-lateral sliding wear testing machine. Analysis of modeled worn wheel flange/rail head optimal profile is made. Practical application of the suggested approach is discussed.