Implementation of Automatic Controlling of AC Through Wi-Fi
Air Conditioner is a machine which gives a cooling effect in high temperatures. But the AC usage in the home has no restriction. The controlling of device is done by manually, that is we using remote and off it on nearby the device. Nowadays the energy consumption has a greater need. And also the manual overhead is also there, this is because of the continuous on and off of AC. So to minimize the energy consumption, manual power etc, a new AC automatic control system was introduced. This is a system which works on a schedule base. Also we can control the AC using a laptop through Wi-Fi. Through the system we can give schedules and according to that the AC can be on and off. We can give daily or weekly schedules. And also a instant ON and OFF of AC. Through a button we can send the time of laptop to the system attached to the AC through a relay. Also a Wi-Fi router is attached to the system for a wifi access. Thus the full system will help to facilitate a full-fledged automatic AC control. Keywords—Automatic AC controlled algorithm, AC, WI-FI