Application of the SALSSA framework to the validation of smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of low Reynolds number flows

The Support Architecture for Large-Scale Subsurface Analysis (SALSSA) provides an extensible framework, sophisticated graphical user interface (GUI), and underlying data management system that simplifies the process of running subsurface models, tracking provenance information, and analyzing the model results. The SALSSA software framework is currently being applied to validating the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) model. SPH is a three-dimensional model of flow and transport in porous media at the pore scale. Because fluid flow in porous media at velocities common in natural porous media occur at low Reynolds numbers, it is important to verify that the SPH model is producing accurate flow solutions in this regime. Validating SPH requires performing a series of simulations and comparing these simulation flow solutions to analytical results or numerical results using other methods. This validation study has been greatly aided by the application of the SALSSA framework, which provides capabilities to setup, execute, analyze, and administer these SPH simulations.