Authentication and Encryption for Medical Image Security System

Significant advancements in information and communication technologies have made remarkable developments in many fields including health care delivery, computer-aided diagnosis and medical data management. In this work Digital Envelope (DE) method is used to assure data integrity and security. DE includes the digital signature of the image and encrypted patient information from the Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine image header. It is encrypted and embedded in the background area of the image as an invisible permanent watermark. To increase the trustworthiness, the DE-embedded image is then encrypted using Rivest Shamir Adleman and Advanced Encryption Standard algorithms. The encrypted images are also tested with common attacks like flipping, filtering, noise, rotation and contrast. A qualitative comparative analysis is done for medical images with and without tampering using performance measures such as peak signal-to-noise ratio, correlation coefficient and Tamper Assessment Factor to evaluate the behaviour of the algorithm.