This paper describes an engine to optimize web publisher revenues from second-price auctions. These auctions are widely used to sell online ad spaces in a mechanism called real-time bidding (RTB). Optimization within these auctions is crucial for web publishers, because setting appropriate reserve prices can significantly increase revenue. We consider a practical real-world setting where the only available information before an auction occurs consists of a user identifier and an ad placement identifier. The real-world challenges we had to tackle consist mainly of tracking the dependencies on both the user and placement in an highly non-stationary environment and of dealing with censored bid observations. These challenges led us to make the following design choices: (i) we adopted a relatively simple non-parametric regression model of auction revenue based on an incremental time-weighted matrix factorization which implicitly builds adaptive users' and placements' profiles; (ii) we jointly used a non-parametric model to estimate the first and second bids' distribution when they are censored, based on an on-line extension of the Aalen's Additive model. Our engine is a component of a deployed system handling hundreds of web publishers across the world, serving billions of ads a day to hundreds of millions of visitors. The engine is able to predict, for each auction, an optimal reserve price in approximately one millisecond and yields a significant revenue increase for the web publishers.
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Predicting Winning Price in Real Time Bidding with Censored Data
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Real-Time Bid Prediction using Thompson Sampling-Based Expert Selection
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Objective Variables for Probabilistic Revenue Maximization in Second-Price Auctions with Reserve
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Ieee Transactions on Information Theory 1 Regret Minimization for Reserve Prices in Second-price Auctions
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Learning Theory and Algorithms for revenue optimization in second price auctions with reserve