센서 네트워크에서 싱크 노드 위치가 성능에 미치는 영향 분석
Many of the recent performance evaluation of clustering schemes in wireless sensor networks considered one sink node operation and fixed sink node location without mentioning about any network application requirements. However, application environments have variable requirements about their networks. In addition, network performance is sufficiently influenced by different sink node location scenarios in multi-hop based network. We also know that sink location can influence to the sensor network performance evaluation because of changed multipath of sensor nodes and changed overload spots in multipath based wireless sensor network environment. Thus, the performance evaluation results are hard to trust because sensor network is easily changed their network connection through their routing algorithms. Therefore, we suggest that these schemes need to evaluate with different sink node location scenarios to show fair evaluation result. Under the results of that, network performance evaluation results are acknowledged by researchers. In this paper, we measured several clustering scheme’s performance variations in accordance with various types of sink node location scenarios. As a result, in the case of the clustering scheme that did not consider various types of sink location scenarios, fair evaluation cannot be expected.