Prevention: The Concept of Preventive Risk Reduction, Illustrated by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Risk assessment and risk management based on the precautionary principle are instruments to protect humans and the environment against uncertain threats and risks. At the same time, however, trade-offs must always be made in order to maintain cultural, economic and social objectives and to honor the principle of proportionality. Notwithstanding the need for continuous risk reduction, society must distance itself from the idea that science can predict all dangerous events and developments and exclude them through preventive action. At best, risk analyses are able to identify the possible threats and uncover weaknesses in the system. In addition, risk assessments help us to make better decisions in the conflict of objectives between the secondary consequences of taking risks (such as exposure in the event of a pandemic) and the secondary consequences of the protective measures taken (economic, social, cultural consequences). In this sense, decisions about acceptability of risks or risk reduction measures always reflect a combination of scientific knowledge with balancing judgments.
Covid-19 - Implications for the Health Care System.
The New England journal of medicine.
Wangxue Chen.
Promise and challenges in the development of COVID-19 vaccines
Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics.
Jing Zhao,et al.
Early Transmission Dynamics in Wuhan, China, of Novel Coronavirus–Infected Pneumonia
The New England journal of medicine.
Ortwin Renn,et al.
Expertise and experience: a deliberative system of a functional division of labor for post-normal risk governance
Ortwin Renn,et al.
Precaution and analysis: two sides of the same coin?
EMBO reports.
Ulrich Müller-Herold,et al.
Choosing chemicals for precautionary regulation: a filter series approach.
Environmental science & technology.
Ortwin Renn.
Vorsorge als Prinzip: Besser in der Vorsicht irren als im Wagemut
G. Charnley,et al.
Risk Versus Precaution: Environmental Law and Public Health Protection