Evaluation of operator actions for beyond design basis events for AHWR
Enhanced defence-in-depth is incorporated in the proposed Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR) as a part of their fundamental safety approach to ensure that the levels of protection in defence-in-depth shall be more independent from each other than in existing installation. Safety is enhanced by incorporating into their designs, increased emphasis on inherently safe characteristics and passive systems as a part of their fundamental safety approach. It is ensured that the risk from radiation exposures to workers, the public and the environment during construction/commissioning, operation, and decommissioning, shall be comparable to that of other industrial facilities used for similar purposes. This implies that there will be no need for relocation or evacuation measures outside the plant site, apart from those generic emergency measures developed for any industrial facility. It has been demonstrated by analyses that there is no core damage for PIEs with frequencies more than 10-10/year. However some scenarios in residual risk domain are considered to demonstrate that dose at plant boundary is within prescribed acceptable limit. It is also possible to arrest core damage progression at various stages of event progression, by incorporating certain operating procedures, without any release. This paper discusses analyses of such low frequency event with multiple failure under the category of “Decrease in MHT inventory” where plant related symptoms like channel exit temperature, channel component temperatures, moderator level with respect to time are quantified. Further analyses are carried out for these events to demonstrate the effectiveness of action plan like flooding of the cavity of the containment.