Shipping in crisis: A trial run for ‘live’ application of the hypergame approach

Hypergame analysis has been developed recently as an aid to the understanding of complex situations in which several parties are in conflict. Until now, the approach has been applied successfully to a range of post hoc case studies. In this paper, we describe an attempt to take the approach one stage further, by applying it to a current problem with some involvement with one of the parties concerned. In this case the problem studied was a crisis in the shipping world. The original analysis was performed two years ago. Having outlined the analysis itself here, we discuss retrospectively its accuracy and usefulness in the light of further developments of the crisis. It is concluded that the approach performed a valuable role in helping to build up an understanding of the problem. As a result of this exercise some comments are made about the way in which we believe this sort of analysis should be used in practice by analysts to give help to their clients.