An ontology-based system to support agent-based simulation of building use

SUMMARY: The prediction and evaluation of future building response to its intended use and users is a complex task that designers have to face during the design process. As matter of fact, few methods exist that can help designers in such task, despite its importance in the definition of the building quality; norms and regulations, personal designer’s experience, post-occupancy evaluation have shown their limit to provide predictive models of the complex phenomenon of human behaviour in built environments . With the increasing of computing power, virtual simulation techniques have been introduced in building design to control, manage and predict complex systems of building performances such as its energy or structural behaviour, but not to representation of buildings while-in-use. The Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation (ABMS) paradigm has been applied in building design to simulation of specific aspects of human behaviour and in specific occurrences (for instance in fire egress simulations), while a more extensive representation of users actions, behaviours, and activities is still missing. In order to overcome this lack, in this paper we propose to support agent-based simulation with a knowledge base, developed by means of ontologies and able to provide a structured system of data about human-building interaction, useful as start hypotheses for Agent-based Simulation. For its development, we rely on the general template of building knowledge management already proposed by the research group (Carrara et al., 2009), extending it to representation of the whole system users-built environment. The proposed general template, configured by the meaning – properties – rules structure, allows the formalization of users/agents entities, whose parameter, attributes and behavioural rules can encode several ‘aspects’ of real users and their interactions with the other entities (building components, furniture, other people) in a built environment. Currently, a first application has been developed dealing with the virtually testing of a small hospital ward, in order to evaluate the reliability and the potentiality of such approach.